
Casas de Oya Building

  • Architect: Michel Pacewicz
  • Built: 1904
  • Address: C/ García Barbón, 15, 17 y 19

This building is eclectic in style with French influences and with a highly symmetrical neo-Baroque ground floor. The horizontal design of the building can be seen in the continuous balcony on the first and top floors. Other interesting features are the stone balconies on the second floor, in classical style made up of two pilasters with Ionic columns supporting a frieze which acts as an entablement. The differentiation between each of the floors that is characteristic in Eclecticism is almost imperceptible here.

The ground floor is masonry, with stonework on the pilasters that support semi-circular arches. At the top of the building there is a combination of parapets and rails made of granite. Above these there are attic windows with curved and divided pediments which are decorated with spirals on the lower side.

The side façade is similar to the main façade at García Barbón except for the wooden balcony on the first floor.



Concello de Vigo

Praza do Rei - 36202 - Vigo (Pontevedra) - Teléfono: 010 - 986810100