Art & Culture

San Jorge de Saiáns Church

  • BUILT: the present church dates from 1920
  • ADDRESS: C/ Eira Vella

This church is inspired by the Gothic style, which is reflected in the pointed arches over the windows. There is also a Baroque influence seen in its proportions and some decorative details such as the niche.

The northern door has most decorative detail, in contrast with the rest of the church which is more severe.

The most interesting feature is the belfry, shaped with vertical lines stemming from three mouldings and which has an iron cross with an inscription in the middle.

On the inside there is a vault supported by three pointed arches, matching the windows and at the bottom there is a wooden platform.

The altarpiece is Gothic in style. The main figure is Saint George, flanked by our Lady of Perpetual Help and Saint Raphael.


Concello de Vigo

Praza do Rei - 36202 - Vigo (Pontevedra) - Teléfono: 010 - 986810100