Art & Culture

Freixeiro Church

  • ADDRESS: Parroquia de Freixeiro

This church was designed in a single rectangular nave. The presbytery has a stone dome and the walls that support it hold a series of tombs.

It was founded by a parish local, Brother Francisco de Soutomaior, who was Archbishop of Las Charcas. He was buried here in 1640 and there is also a statue to him. The cost of building the church was donated by him and he left one thousand, three hundred and seventy-five old pesos in his will, "so the remains of our fathers and ancestors can rest there".

The original size of the church was just big enough to fit few more than the sixty people in the parish. However, as time passed the church grew too small, even though the parish has been gradually redistributed.


Concello de Vigo

Praza do Rei - 36202 - Vigo (Pontevedra) - Teléfono: 010 - 986810100