Art & Culture

Coruxo Romanic Church

  • BUILT: 12th Century
  • ADDRESS: Parroquia de Coruxo. Valle del Fragoso

This church was originally a monastery.

It is built in three naves and three semicircular apses. The central nave is wider and higher than the others. The main decorative features were three windows in the apse, but they were bricked up. Later, two other windows were built, one on each side of the presbytery, to give more light. However, these are not in line with the main style of the building.

The old window openings still remain, although those at the side of the altar have lost the shafts of the small columns. Both of them are blocked up. Under the roof there is a cornice with small gutter pipes of the same size but different in pattern.



Concello de Vigo

Praza do Rei - 36202 - Vigo (Pontevedra) - Teléfono: 010 - 986810100