Cies Islands

Alto do Príncipe Walk

  • Distance: 3 Km
  • Duration: 1h
  • Type of Route: Not circular
  • Level of Difficulty: Low

Starting at the Information Office, take the cart track to the right which leads to Figueiras Beach (300m). Here we can see the Figueiras-Muxieiro dune system, surrounded by protective fencing, and some of the typical species found in this fragile ecosystem like Portuguese crowberry (Corema album) and wild thyme (Helichrysum picardii).

The path continues upwards until it reaches the main crossroads on Monte Agudo Island (20 min.). Turn left here onto a path that leads up to the Alto de O Príncipe. From here we can enjoy the impressive views of the cliffs from the Queen’s Chair (la Silla de la Reina). The contrast between the two sides of the islands is easily observed here, with the steep cliffs on the west side.






Concello de Vigo

Praza do Rei - 36202 - Vigo (Pontevedra) - Teléfono: 010 - 986810100