Cies Islands

Faro da Porta Lighthouse Walk

  • Distance: 5 Km
  • Duration: 1h 30 min
  • Type of Route: Not circular
  • Level of Difficulty: low

Like the Monte Faro walk this route starts at the Information Office. Take the path to the left and cross over the dike between the two islands (Monte Agudo and O Faro). Keep along the path past the campsite and the bird observatory. At the beach of Nosa Señora we come to the main crossroads on O Faro Island.

Here take the cart track. The beach of Nosa Señora and the isle of Viños are to the left and the track leads to the pier at Carracido (30min.). The path now begins to become slightly steeper, and goes around the south coast of the island to the A Porta lighthouse. There are beautiful views from the lighthouse of San Martiño Island, the southernmost of the three and the only one that cannot be reached by regular boat service.


Concello de Vigo

Praza do Rei - 36202 - Vigo (Pontevedra) - Teléfono: 010 - 986810100