Cies Islands

Monte Faro Hill Walk

  • Distance: 7 Km
  • Duration: 2h 30 min
  • Type of Route: Not circular
  • Level of Difficulty: Medium

Starting at the information office, take the path to the left (which leads to O Faro Island) and cross the dike that joins the islands. If the water is clear enough in the lagoon a variety of fish species, crustaceans and algae can be seen. Once on O Faro Island, go past the campsite and there is a Natural Interpretive Centre (20 min.). Here we can learn about the natural and cultural values in the National Park. Three hundred metres further on, when we reach the beach of Nosa Señora, there is a crossroads (the main one on this island). Take the path to the right and zigzag up towards the lighthouse. Through the dense tree growth we can just make out the beautiful island of San Martiño to the south.

Halfway up, if we turn right there is an interesting stone called Pedra da Campá, which has become hollowed over the years by the erosive effect of the salt in the Atlantic winds. Another 100 m along this path there is a bird observatory (50 min.) where we can watch the thousands of Yellow-legged gulls nesting on the cliffs. With a bit of luck we might even catch sight of a group of shags who tend to nest near the shoreline. From here there are also wonderful views of the lagoon and the beach at Rodas.

Back on the main route, continue ascending to the top of the hill. At the top there is a lighthouse, and this is the best place to get a view of the whole archipelago – the three islands, the cliffs, beaches and of course the bay or ría of Vigo.

This route also links up with the walk to the A Porta lighthouse. On the way down, at about 200m before the crossroads that goes to the bird observatory, take the path off to the right.


Concello de Vigo

Praza do Rei - 36202 - Vigo (Pontevedra) - Teléfono: 010 - 986810100