It is strictly forbidden to:
- Camp outside the official campsite.
- Light any type of fire or bonfire etc.
- Have domestic pets (except guide dogs).
- Throw litter anywhere except in adequate containers.
- Catch, bother, injure or kill any wild animal.
- Use loudspeakers, loud music or make any noise that disturbs the peace.
- Cut, break, pull up or mistreat plant-life.
- Enter into the designated areas reserved for bird life.
- Do underwater fishing.
- Capture shellfish or extract anything from along the shores of the islands, the lagoon and within the protected area 100m. around the islands (unless with express authorization or in a professional capacity).
- Possess weapons such as harpoons, underwater guns or others of the kind.
- Erect signs, banners or advertisements.
- Bring in animal or plant species not autochthonous to the island.