Cies Islands

Monte Agudo Walk

  • Distance: 5.5 Km
  • Duration: 1h 45 min
  • Type of Route: Not circular
  • Level of Difficulty: Average

This route starts at the Information Office. Take the cart track to the right that leads to Figueiras (300m). Keep going upwards until the main crossroads on Monte Agudo Island (20 min.).

At the crossroads, go straight on for about 400 m until you reach the area of A Valgada (30 min.). Keep along this path which leads to the foot of the hill Monte Agudo. The name of the island is taken form the shape of the hill "agudo" (sharp or steep). At the next fork in the route, take the path to the left towards the bird observatory, through a wooded area. Here there are remains of an ancient island settlement. At the observatory it is worth stopping to watch the Yellow-legged gulls and shags that nest on the cliffs.

From here we can see the O Peito or Monte Agudo lighthouse but to reach it we must go back a little and go down a path to the left that links up with the route to the lighthouse. This is the nearest point of the islands to the mainland at only 2.5 km from la Costa de A Vela or Cabo Home, on the Morrazo peninsula. To the north we can see the Ons Island situated at the mouth of the ría of Pontevedra.

A cement path leads down to a small furna, a cave formed when the granite rock is split vertically due to the crashing of the waves. There are many different plant species on the rocks, such as sea fennel (crithmum maritimun) and thrift (armeria pungens).



Concello de Vigo

Praza do Rei - 36202 - Vigo (Pontevedra) - Teléfono: 010 - 986810100