
Santiago de Vigo Church

  • ARCHITECT: Manuel Felipe Quintana
  • BUILT: 1896
  • ADDRESS: C/ García Barbón

In July 1880 the construction of a new church was approved. The location changed several times but finally in 1882 it was decided to build it at the street García Barbón. The architect in charge was Manuel Felipe Quintana, who submitted his final design in 1896.

Building work had to be stopped several times due to financial difficulties and this meant that the two high towers on the main façade in the original design had to be shortened and not quite as beautiful.

The church is historical medieval in style and the main façade has Neo-Gothic features.

The floor-plan is designed in three naves without a transept. The middle nave is larger than the side aisles and they are separated by pointed arches. The side aisles are lit by windows with pointed arches, while in the central nave light comes through three-lobed or small rose window with tracery, with three lobes traced on the inside located above the nave. At the top there is a polygonal apse surrounded by a rectangular shape where the sacristy is located. Three large ogival windows light the apse, and divide the wall vertically. At the bottom of the church, above the main doorway are the choir stalls.


Concello de Vigo

Praza do Rei - 36202 - Vigo (Pontevedra) - Teléfono: 010 - 986810100