Art & Culture

Salesianos Cinema and Theatre

C/ Venezuela, 3

Tel: 619 452 540 - 986 435 140 – 986 227 648



Capacity: 572 stalls, 4 disabled seats in stalls, 25 in balconies

The Silesian School cinema has a long history in Vigo. The first moving images ever seen in the city were brought by a machine from Paris with a phonograph back on the 18th of January 1908. Movies with sound did not arrive until the 23rd of November 1941.

The cinema was located on what is now Venezuela Street. In summer 1949, part of the ground floor of one of the buildings started being used as a hall for school events. In July 1963 there was a fire, the cause of which is unknown, and the building and the theatre were destroyed.

The building was rebuilt after the fire and in January 1968 the new Salesianos Cinema was opened, now to the general public. The first film was shown in this cinema in April 1977 when the building was demolished to build a new school with a new theatre-cinema.

In December 1978 the Cinema Theatre was opened. Since then a multitude of events have been organised ranking from theatre festivals, folk and rock music concerts, conferences and so on. In 1998 the theatre was redesigned. The stage was extended, lighting and sound systems were improved, and new cinema screen was installed with DOLBY SR.

Another refurbishment was carried out in summer 2001. The seating (572) was changed, the hall was redecorated and renovated, and new toilet facilities were installed with disabled access. The theatre is now a modern and fully-equipped venue for events in Vigo into the twenty-first century.


Concello de Vigo

Praza do Rei - 36202 - Vigo (Pontevedra) - Teléfono: 010 - 986810100