City Council

Mayor's Office

Greeting from the mayor

Dear Friends,

Welcome to the Vigo City Council web site, a virtual visit that puts at your disposal all the services and possibilities offered by this dinamic and attractive city.

Vigo was born next to the sea. Because the sea was our historical feeding source, it is the origin of our richness and it has to be a linking element for the development of our future. Escorted by the Ría and a green belt which place us in an unique natural frame, the city has all the possibilities for its citizens' quality of life to be among the best in the world.

Vigo's economic and industrial side is well known. Naval building, granite, automotive and of course, fishing, establish the basis of the most powerful economy in Galicia and one of the most important in Spain, and within a broad marging of growing. And all this is due to the iniciative and dynamism of its people.

An economic potential that turned Vigo into the first city of Galicia, according to population, social, industrial, business, commercial and employment indicators. The olive city covers the requirements to be a great opportunity of business, national and internationally renowned.

This major city holds the most relevant professional and business events, like the World Fishing Exhibition, which place Vigo in the epicenter of the international trade streams; reinforced by its strategic location, Vigo is the axis of the Euroregion Galicia-North of Portugal, the most important of Europe, as well as a gate to the Atlantic from the old continent.

Our city project joins all these characteristics and tries to give Vigo a new perspective to fulfill its current necessities, a perspective based on habitability. We advocate an environmentally fiendly city, conscious of the intangible but inestimable value of our environment, at a local and global level, which increases the quality of life of every citizen of Vigo. In conclusion, a sustainable Vigo.

This is my commitment as the mayor of this city, the commitment of this government: a city that thinks and takes care of its environment as the only way to achieve a bigger and best quality of life for those who live in Vigo and for those who visit us.


Abel Caballero.

Mayor of Vigo.


Concello de Vigo

Praza do Rei - 36202 - Vigo (Pontevedra) - Teléfono: 010 - 986810100