Parks & Hiking

GR58 - As Greas Trail

This walk is part of one of the longest routes in Galicia, the GR58, which is 260km long. Considering the total length of the GR-58 (260km takes about 70 hours), it is preferable to do it in stages planning each one. Part of the route goes through land belonging to Vigo council and surrounding council areas. It is also one of the variations on the GR53 from Chandebrito to Candeán and vice versa.

The stage from Chandebrito to Candeán is about 30 kilometres and is of medium difficulty. City bus routes stop at both ends and there are places to stop along the way to rest and eat. It is possible to do the walk in 6 hours but if it is to be done in a more relaxed way with stops, it would take nearer eight.

Roaming horses, called greas in Galician, may still be seen at some points along the way and they lend their name to the trail. These horses have long been present in the hills and traditionally they were brought down once a year to have their manes cut. This annual event is known as the "rapa das bestas", and is an important part of the history of the area.

All along the GR-58 there are interesting natural and cultural features which form a valuable part of our natural and historical heritage. As we walk, we pass through farming valleys, forest parks and even coastal areas (the tide pools at Miñor and the cliffs at Baiona). There are also ethnographic features, such as the mill at Maquías, and archaeological remains such as Neolithic dolmens and megalithic tombs.

As Greas Trail, therefore, allows us to enjoy not only beautiful natural surroundings, but is also of great historical and cultural interest.



Very near Chandebrito (Nigrán), where the council areas of Vigo, Nigrán and Gondomar meet, is the peak of O Canabal hill, from which there are spectacular views of the bay. Go down a path to the track that leads to the GR53 and continue down towards A Pasaxe (Vigo). As we go down, there are beautiful views of Zamáns reservoir.


From A Pasaxe, go towards Vincios and at about 200m, take a track to the left that crosses the motorway that goes to A Fraga. Here we link up with the GR53 again, which if we go along the shore of River Zamáns, leads us to Casa-Muiño de Maquías, a mill restored with living quarters for the owners. The path goes by the reservoir, into the University Campus at Lagoas-Marcosende, continues through Beade Forest Park (where trail PRG-5 starts) and reaches the road between Puxeiros and the University.


This route starts at the university and goes toward a hill called Pedra de A Cruz where there is a variation GR53-2. Take the track to the left behind the Círculo Mercantil. Here we pass by a passage grave. Keep on to Bembrive Forest Park, where there is a megalithic tomb at As Pereiras. From here, the path goes downhill a little to the Alto de Puxeiros.


From here, cross a road and go through a pine forest. We then reach an area that was recently reforested with native species. Further on there is another passage and past the Cotogrande Trade Fair Centre there is a picnic area opposite the airport. Here we can see an old mill reside the River Lagares which has been restored. Continue along the river to Lagoa Mol. The trail goes through the area of O Ameal, to O Carballal Park. After a slight uphill stretch, we reach Vixiador Park (Candeán) where there is an interesting passage grave.


Concello de Vigo

Praza do Rei - 36202 - Vigo (Pontevedra) - Teléfono: 010 - 986810100