Parks & Hiking

La Alameda Gardens

This park is located at Plaza de Compostela, near the port and is surrounded by an area with services, shops and leisure. It was designed at the end of the 19th century and built on land gained from the sea. It was the first urban public garden in Vigo.


The Alameda Park has changed over the years. Originally, it was rectangular in shape and the largest side was facing the shoreline. There were only a few trees (56 silver poplars). Since then, it has been redesigned to what it is today.


There is a large central fountain in the middle of the park, with different lights and water designs. There are also several sculptures to be seen around the park, mainly the work of Camilo Nogueira and Jos? Lu?s Medina.


Works by Camilo Nogueira include:


  • "Maternidad": (Maternity) A figure of a mother holding a child on her left shoulder.
  • "Paz": (Peace) The figure of a woman playing with doves over her head.
  • "Despedida": (Farewell) A mother with her two children.


Jos? Lu?s Medina?s works are mainly animal figures. There is a hyena, a swan, a snail with children riding it.

There is a bronze statue of M?ndez N??ez (by Agust?n Querol) in the middle of the gardens. Admiral M?ndez N??ez from Vigo led the Spanish Navy frigate Numancia, the first battleship to go around the world.


Most of the trees in the Alameda are a hundred years old and there are some fine camellias and magnolias.





Concello de Vigo

Praza do Rei - 36202 - Vigo (Pontevedra) - Teléfono: 010 - 986810100