City Services

Water Supply

Municipal Water Supply

On October 25, 1990, in extraordinary meeting, the Plenary of de City Council of Vigo granted the operating concession for domestic water supply to Seragua Vigo UTE FCC, for a period of 20 years. Late in 2002, Seragua was renamed Aqualia - Water Management, to establish a clear relationship between the Company and the brand, previously launched in April 2001.

Public Fountains

The Municipal Laboratory, a branch of the Department of Health, Consumption and Environment, performs, usually three or four times a year, a rigorous testing of the water provided by the aproximately 350 public fountains registered in the municipality.

According to current regulations, RD 140/2003, it is considered that water is not fit for human consumption "when any of the results of the analysis parameters exceeds or fails to comply with the standard values. It also states that water for human consumption must be disinfected because the fact of having a minimum level of residual disinfectant ensures that the water meets health standards. Therefore, despite the annual quality controls performed at the laboratory, and even if the results comply with the current regulations, it still seems not to be enough to guarantee the safety of those waters for direct human consumption.

Water Supply

Concello de Vigo

Praza do Rei - 36202 - Vigo (Pontevedra) - Teléfono: 010 - 986810100