Citizenry Services
The International Classification of the WHO defines disability as “a restriction or lack of ability to perform an activity in the manner or within the range that is considered normal for a human being”.
Recognition of disability: In order to be able to enjoy the facilities, resources and benefits offered by the local organizations and public entities, it is mandatory for disabled people to provide officially documented proof of legal recognition of disability. Depending on the rated degree of disability, the current regulations facilitates access to the following benefits:
Transport: Accessibility and non-discrimination policy when using any means of transport is a right to all the disabled people.
Vigo Accessible: On June 6, 2003 was created the Accessibility Council in order to work towards the elimination of architectonic barriers to help disabled people moving in and around the city.
Education: Almost every nursery and primary state school offer special education programs. There are also Special Schools for Special Educational Needs (SEN), and others with specific classrooms.
Social Services: Through the Department for Social Services, the City Council develops several programs to cope with the particular needs of disabled people.
Therefore, among other resources, this Department provides a service to transcribe documentation into Braille code, adapted transportation, special facilities to go swimming on the beach and workshops on personal autonomy.
The Counseling and Information Center (CAI) gives advice to citizens about issues such as: technical aid, full accessibility and technological development or job placement of people with phisical or mental disability.
Concello de Vigo
Praza do Rei - 36202 - Vigo (Pontevedra) - Teléfono: 010 - 986810100