
Two-star Hotels


  • Tel: 986 228 227
  • Fax: 986 225 904
  • Address: García Olloqui, 5     36201 Vigo
  • E-mail: hcompos@teleline.es

Hotel Atlántico

  • Tel: 986 220 530 / 986 221 654
  • Address: García Barbón, 35     36201 Vigo
  • Web: www.hotelatlanticovigo.com
  • E-mail: email@hotelatlánticovigo.com

The hotel has a room which holds 20 people.


The hotel has a room for 50 or 60 people.


  • Tel: 986 434 022
  • Fax: 986 223 228
  • Address: Colón, 11     36201 Vigo
  • Web: www.hotelgalicia.com
  • E-mail: hotelgalicia@terra.es

Lino Vigo

  • Tel: 986 439 311 / 986 224 271
  • Fax: 986 449 663
  • Address: Lepanto, 26. 1º A y 2º A     36201 Vigo

The hotel has a room which holds 30.


Concello de Vigo

Praza do Rei - 36202 - Vigo (Pontevedra) - Teléfono: 010 - 986810100